Old School Sparrow

Name: CasiAnna
Age: 25
Date: 1/22/08

Describe the tattoo which you are most proud of (ex. color, shape, style, etc.):

I have a traditional old school sparrow, brightly colored, with my grandfather's name (Delmer) in a banner beneath it.

What does it signify?

It signifies my dedication to my grandfather and my attempt to keep our connection even though he is no longer on this earth; trying to make his memory more physical than just mental.

Why did you choose to tattoo?

Well, I'm a fan of traditional "old school" tattoos. There's just something so classic and beautiful about them. But I digress.... So that's pretty much where I started. Then I saw the mother/father sparrows and new that's what I had to get. Plus the sparrow just seemed to git. There were always sparrows around my grandparent's farm and it all just reminded me of him.

How do you feel as a woman with a tattoos?

To be perfectly honest, bad ass and tough. Because I know a lot of guys that are too sensitive to even get a shot let alone a tattoo.