Soli Deo Gloria

Name: Desiere
Age: 43
Date: 1/24/08
Date: 1/24/08
Describe the tattoo which you are most proud of (ex. color, shape, style, etc.):
The tattoo is Latin for "Faith Alone, Grace Alone, and To Christ Alone Be The Glory." It's tattooed on my lower back.
What does it signify?
My husband writes those words on everything. When we were dating, he wrote it on all of the cards and letters he ever sent me. He still uses it, but not as much. We've also had it written on the front door of every house we've lived in. The words are definitely something I believe in, but it's also a reminder of my husband.
Why did you choose to tattoo?
I didn't come to the decision lightly at all. It was a five year thought process. I like tattoos, but I think that it is a very personal thing. I don't like tattoos to be shown off.
How do you feel as a woman with a tattoos?
I'm totally fine with my tattoo. One of the girls I work with told me that my tattoo is a "tramp stamp," because of where it is. But that couldn't be more wrong. I just thought it would be a nice place to put a tattoo. A lot of Christian folks I know think that it's wrong, which I knew ahead of time. But sometimes they can be so mean about it! I've been in a number of fights with my mother-in-law about tattoos; she absolutely hates them. (She doesn't know that I have one.) I don't particularly care what anyone thinks about my tattoo. It's something I thought about for a long time and I did it just for me. I did get my husband's blessings ahead of time, though. He absolutely love it.